Thursday, March 4, 2021

Current Events Week 5

Should artefacts be relocated or remain where they are found?

Today we  learned about a chariot which was burnt in 79 ad from a volcanic eurupion. It burnt 1000's  more people and it burnt heaps of thing like a horse cart.  They found this chariot still in good condition.  

I think that the chariot should stay where it is because it could get broken when they move it and wreck it.  It is very rare because it is so old.

What do you think?

Thursday, September 3, 2020

My Wonder of The World


We have been researching the seven wonders of the world.  I had to choose a place that I wondered about and research about it.  I chose Waikoropupu Springs in Golden Bay.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Fortnite writing


Hi my name is Dark red knight and my favourite dance is boogie down and yesterday i got a victory royale and i killed 15 people and i got to legendary guns and they were a tactical shotgun and a scar and i killed and pro player bc he had the Recon expert and he had a gray tactical shotgun and to big bot and i got into a  build fight and he got bopped in the head by me and i killed him with my shotgun and he  had a gold pistol and a medkit and i find a supply drop and i got a blue pistol and i got two kills with it  and then i find a loot llama and it had to launch pad and there was 4 people left in the map and then i one pump one of them  and then one of the players died and then one player was left in the map and we got into a build fight and u got to maxs height and then he try to sniped me and then i 360 no scope him in the  head and then i  win the game.i got into a game  of solos and then i got 4 kills in that game  and i went to the agency and i  got the key card and went into the vent and i got  a blue  supressed  scar and then i went  to  salty springs and then i died by a ok player. the  end

Click this link to see my published writing.